Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Sometimes I think it's important to take a deep breath in and reflect. This blog post is one of those what I want in life posts. Someone had asked me where do I see myself in a few years from now? I thought about it and I had no answer. I mean all of my goals and ambitions were to go to college and to find a job/career. Those were some of my goals and I have completed them, but in a different way that I thought I would.

It is weird to think that I have gone through so many experiences in my life that have molded me into the person I am today. I always hear that trials make you stronger. Let me tell you when you feel like you are going to die and you over come that, you are stronger than ever! There were times in my life where I thought "I will never be able to do this." Or I would just simply say, "I can't." At the time I thought that my dreams or goals were impossible, but over time and with great effort I have succeeded.

Going back to the question of where I see myself in a few years. Your guess is as good as mine. My goals seems to change after I make them because sometimes the Lord has another plan in store. It makes life a little more interesting that way. If I was able to plan out the perfect life for me it wouldn't be perfect because I wouldn't have all of these other amazing experiences.

I have had dreams to pursue other careers and study other things, but sometimes those dreams weren't a reality. For example I always wanted to be a journalist. Newspapers and newspaper writers are basically non existent anymore. It is all going on the web. That was a choice of mine to change my topic of study so I could be successful in something else, even though writing is my thing.

To be honest if you had known me growing up you would not believe me if I told you I was working in the position I am now. Natalie to math is like water to oil. Accounting is so much fun though. I enjoy doing what I do and hope to learn as much as I can.

I'm living in the present and I think I did need to take some time to think about my future again. I still don't have my thoughts together on what I will do, but eventually I will get there. Just taking it day by day and trying to do my best is what my goal is right now. How can I improve myself each day? Will be the question I ask myself.

Of course I added a song to go with my post. One of my fav singers. Tyrone. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012


I like a wide variety of music, but i'm really diggin' these covers right now. Especially this Daddy Yankee Song. Its just chill, but I can also dance to it if I wanted to.