This has been a thought that has gone through my mind for awhile now. Not just the Love in relationships with boys, but the love of a friend and the Love from one to another. The end of that sounded like a primary song... haha. Really though, I just feel that as I get older I see people treating people so much more differently. Where are the kind smiles when you walk down the street and stare into that other persons eyes? Where is the person that helps the old woman with her groceries. I mean you see it once in awhile, but it seems that I see more people struggle throughout the day. Maybe we could all take the advice of choosing to Love and care for one another and be a friend instead of trying to be the most popular or to think oh they are fine. Having the do it yourself mentality. Take a risk or step out of your comfort zone. Just a thought...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My name is Natalie and I am a Mormon.
My name is Natalie Sutton. I am half Chilean and I like to cook empanadas. I live in Rexburg, Idaho where it snows 11 out of 12 months. Life is great. I enjoy long walks on the beach and get annoyed when people are rude. I used to want to be a famous newspaper writer, until I learned newspapers would disappear in the year 2012. Everyday of my life I listen to music because it makes me happy. My love life sucks all because of an Oreo back in middle school. I am doomed to become a cat lady forever. I am all of these things and more and I am a Mormon.
Jessica and Drew totally wrote this for me while I was making some empanadas one day. I just found it and wanted to post it.
Jessica and Drew totally wrote this for me while I was making some empanadas one day. I just found it and wanted to post it.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
So this is just a post to talk about the video I made and a few other things. first of all the video is sped up and does not match up to my dance moves (aka facial gestures) So that is just way funny. Anywho. Its Sunday the 10th of july which means I only have a week until finals then I drive home after that WOOO HOO!!!! Im almost done with this place. :) can't wait!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Take a breath or two...
I decided that its time for another thoughtful blog post. With only two weeks left of classes my emotions are running high. I am stressed/overwhelmed. While I may have those emotions I am also happy. It is summer and the sun is out!! :) I can enjoy the beauty around me. There is so much to be happy about I have a wonderful family and wonderful friends.
I am glad that I will be done with this chapter of my life as well. I am leaving Rexburg for something more exciting. I have to admit its been a great few years, but its time for me to move on. I am ready for adventure or just getting a real job. haha.
This song really comes to mind when I think about all that I am going through these days. I just need to slow it down and "take a breath or two" <3
I am glad that I will be done with this chapter of my life as well. I am leaving Rexburg for something more exciting. I have to admit its been a great few years, but its time for me to move on. I am ready for adventure or just getting a real job. haha.
This song really comes to mind when I think about all that I am going through these days. I just need to slow it down and "take a breath or two" <3
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Losing something you love sucks...
I love taking hot showers. For the past 4 days our apt has not had hot water. Our hot water heaters pilot light went off so therefore nothing was heating. I took a total of 3 cold showers and could only wash my hair twice because the 3rd one was FREEZING!!! Luckily I know someone smart/brave that was willing to come and light the pilot light for me. Can I say hot showers are the best! Oh my I was in heaven. I hope this is slightly comical to those reading this, as well as insightful. I learned so much from this experience. I learned to not take anything for granted, even hot water. I learned how to light the pilot light of a water heater. I learned to have smart friends. Lastly, I learned to love what I have been given and to ask for help when you need it. Sometimes you feel like "oh I can do this." But if we have resources to help why not ask. I mean I could have blown up the apt. or even burned my face off if I would have done that on my own. So thanks Drew, Jessica will be happy to know you are Mr. Fix it.
On a side note our Hot water heater will be fixed tomorrow so we won't have to light it anymore. I am way happy. YAY for hot water!!!
On a side note our Hot water heater will be fixed tomorrow so we won't have to light it anymore. I am way happy. YAY for hot water!!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Fathers Day lovin'

Happy Fathers day Daddio!
I was thinking all day about what I would write in this blog about you. I decided that you already know how much I love you. I wanted to tell remind you of some things that we used to do when I was a kid that made life so much fun. It wouldn’t have happened if you were not my dad. So I am sooo glad you are my father. I am so grateful I was given the best parents on Earth. You have not only given me the greatest gift of knowledge of the Gospel, but you have also shown me the best way to live my life. I couldn’t ask for a better father.
So do you remember when we would drive to your office in Pasadena and listen to the Donald Fagen Tape and Genisis… I think we even listened to Gypsy Kings. Yes they were all tapes because the Old Honda Accord only had a tape player. Good times in that car.
I just loved how we would always listen to music and dance around the house acting like fools. You always let us play your pride and joy flying- V guitar. Most of all I loved just spending time as a family.
The video that I am posting is actually something I remember you telling me. You asked me, “Natalie what does sussudio mean?” I tried to think of a good way to explain the lyrics of the song, but couldn’t think of anything. You told me that it didn’t mean anything. Just thought you would like to know I remembered that sussudio doesn’t mean anything. Ha. I miss listening to these songs with you. Even playing cards at work. I just love spending time with my dad. :)
Miss and love you Dad. Can’t wait to see you in just a few weeks <3 You really are the best!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Sometimes I think way too much. I feel like its better to think than to not. Tonight I found myself thinking about what I am doing with my life right now. Now that I am in school I feel like I am doing what I am supposed to. I go to class, do my homework, and made some good friends in my classes. There is also a part of me that says drop everything right now, just graduate with the credits I have and not become a teacher. This has been running through my mind like crazy lately and last night I felt like I was so overwhelmed I wanted to just quit everything. (drop all my classes)
Luckily I have good friends and loving parents who care for me and helped me through my tough time. I also am glad that I could get on my knees and just pray for strength and guidance. How grateful I am for my Patriarchal Blessing. It has helped me through tough times. When life gets hard I turn to that and read it. I also read all the other little notes I have received from wise leaders and from friends.
Tonight I opened up a letter that helped me so much. It was written April 4th 2010 It states:
President Uchtdorf
"We must learn that in the Lords plan, Our understanding comes "Line upon line: Precept upon precept. In short, Knowledge and understanding come at the price of patience.
Often the deep valleys of our present will only be understood by looking back on them from the mountains of our future experience. Often we can't see the Lords hand in our lives until long after the trials have passed often the most difficult times of our lives are essential building blocks that form the foundation of our character and pave the way to future opportunities, understanding, and Happiness."
Love President Hawke
This letter seemed to make sense to me. It was a quote from President Uchtdorf. It was also interesting to me that as I was reading my scriptures tonight Helaman 5:12 was in the section that I was reading. How this letter and that scripture go together. I feel like I need to build my foundation so that I may not fall. I need to gain greater knowledge and not be afraid because Satan is trying so hard to bring me down. He knows our weaknesses and knows how to take us down, but if we can just see those weak spots and make them as strong as possible so we cannot be taken down. We will have happiness in life.
I still don't know what I am doing with my life right now, but what I do know is even though this semester is killing me I will be strong. I will fight back with vengeance and do my very best. <3
Luckily I have good friends and loving parents who care for me and helped me through my tough time. I also am glad that I could get on my knees and just pray for strength and guidance. How grateful I am for my Patriarchal Blessing. It has helped me through tough times. When life gets hard I turn to that and read it. I also read all the other little notes I have received from wise leaders and from friends.
Tonight I opened up a letter that helped me so much. It was written April 4th 2010 It states:
President Uchtdorf
"We must learn that in the Lords plan, Our understanding comes "Line upon line: Precept upon precept. In short, Knowledge and understanding come at the price of patience.
Often the deep valleys of our present will only be understood by looking back on them from the mountains of our future experience. Often we can't see the Lords hand in our lives until long after the trials have passed often the most difficult times of our lives are essential building blocks that form the foundation of our character and pave the way to future opportunities, understanding, and Happiness."
Love President Hawke
This letter seemed to make sense to me. It was a quote from President Uchtdorf. It was also interesting to me that as I was reading my scriptures tonight Helaman 5:12 was in the section that I was reading. How this letter and that scripture go together. I feel like I need to build my foundation so that I may not fall. I need to gain greater knowledge and not be afraid because Satan is trying so hard to bring me down. He knows our weaknesses and knows how to take us down, but if we can just see those weak spots and make them as strong as possible so we cannot be taken down. We will have happiness in life.
I still don't know what I am doing with my life right now, but what I do know is even though this semester is killing me I will be strong. I will fight back with vengeance and do my very best. <3
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wow it has been a long while since I have blogged. I will tell you all what I have been up to. Well of course I am in school and have had a ton of homework and been stressing, but that is normal life for me. I have actually have been accomplishing several goals and overcoming several trials and obstacles in my life. I feel that I have grown so much and since I have noticed that I can get though so much I have decided I need to just go out in the world and do more.
The past few weeks I have just been having a blast with doing new things. I signed up for the Ward Soccer team. I have always loved soccer as everyone should know and I actually wanted to be on a team. So far its been awesome. Out of the 3 games we have played we have won all 3 of them. :)
I had the opportunity to drive home for Memorial Day weekend and spend time with family and friends. Can I just tell you I LOVE LOVE LOVE Seattle. I went with a few friends to Alki for a Bon Fire. It was fun because it was right next to La chupacabra and I really wanted to go there, but the creepy guys out front were to0 sketchy. The fire had to be put out at 10:30 so we all decided to go to Gas Works Park (had never been) , Fremont Troll (had never been), and Dicks (again first time). It was a blast!
I have just been trying to have fun while I have so much on my plate. Spanish has taken over my life. Its good, but sooo hard. I can't wait till the semester is over and I can move on with a new chapter in life. See what the Lord has in store for me. <3
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I love my family!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
So true.
I feel like after all of the lessons I had today at church and talking with some friends this quote sums up what I was thinking about today. "It's very tempting when you really want to be with someone to settle for much, much less -- even a vague pathetic facsimile of less -- than you would have ever imagined. Remember always what you set out to get and please don't settle for less. These guys exist because there are a lot of women out there who allow them to."
Monday, May 2, 2011
Chillin' in the MC.
I have not blogged in quite a long time. I have about 5 min of free time here at school. So I have decided to blog about my life since the last post. Well I still have the same pet Peeves and may have even more now. I really don't want to be negative right now so I won't.
School is hard like always I just have senioritis. When July comes along I will be the happiest person alive. This month I have to turn in my Student teaching stuff so I will be busy with classes and that. Overall its cool though I get to teach a spanish class and its scary, but its my trial in life. I need to get over my fears.
Church is aways good. I love going and listening to the lessons that are prepared for my benefit. I have decided that I need to be better at helping others and not judging them so harshly. I can be mean, even though it doesn't show.
Last semester I started running 3 miles everyday. I actually love it. I have continued doing it. I feel better about everything I do throughout the day. I am stronger and I smile even more which is crazy because I laugh and smile like 24/7. eh. I have so much on my mind and can't really express it so when I get to that point I will say more.
Life takes some interesting turns...
School is hard like always I just have senioritis. When July comes along I will be the happiest person alive. This month I have to turn in my Student teaching stuff so I will be busy with classes and that. Overall its cool though I get to teach a spanish class and its scary, but its my trial in life. I need to get over my fears.
Church is aways good. I love going and listening to the lessons that are prepared for my benefit. I have decided that I need to be better at helping others and not judging them so harshly. I can be mean, even though it doesn't show.
Last semester I started running 3 miles everyday. I actually love it. I have continued doing it. I feel better about everything I do throughout the day. I am stronger and I smile even more which is crazy because I laugh and smile like 24/7. eh. I have so much on my mind and can't really express it so when I get to that point I will say more.
Life takes some interesting turns...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Pet Peeves.
Dresses that are cute, but too short.
When guys look at my butt.
Loud gum chewers.
People who have weird convos next to me at the crossroads.
Tara watching over my shoulder.
Long finger nails.
Ordinary names.
Dirty Kitchens.
Dirty Anything.
The smell of burnt eggs.
Roommates who are rude.
Snow in March.
Cold symptoms.
People who are always mad.
Fake engagements.
Daniel Mooth.
Screamers with annoying voices.
ugly babies.
Man babies.
people with announcements.
having no money.
vibrating phones.
warm lemonade.
Boring days.
Boys that lie.... Men don't lie.
So many more but this is good enough for now...
When guys look at my butt.
Loud gum chewers.
People who have weird convos next to me at the crossroads.
Tara watching over my shoulder.
Long finger nails.
Ordinary names.
Dirty Kitchens.
Dirty Anything.
The smell of burnt eggs.
Roommates who are rude.
Snow in March.
Cold symptoms.
People who are always mad.
Fake engagements.
Daniel Mooth.
Screamers with annoying voices.
ugly babies.
Man babies.
people with announcements.
having no money.
vibrating phones.
warm lemonade.
Boring days.
Boys that lie.... Men don't lie.
So many more but this is good enough for now...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Car D Friday...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
My friends...
Some people at the Closing Social danced to this song and it made me think. I thought about how I have such great friends and family in my life. You really are the World's greatest. You keep me doing the right at all times. You make me stronger with your smiles and you give me confidence with compliments and even with jokes. I can always count on my closest friends to call me or send me a cute text at least once a day. I always have a smile on my face when I think about all of the people who love me. You make me who I am because you are all different and I want to be like all of you. I am especially grateful for those who just want to laugh with me about anything. My friends and Family are truly the WORLDS GREATEST. <3
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Car D friday

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
movie weekend!
This weekend I was actually able to see several movies. I normally am not a movie person, but i'm learning to have patience to sit through them and appreciate them.
~Forever Strong- Probably one of my favorite movies. It has such a great message and everyone can learn a lesson from it. It is amazing.
~Just go with it- HILARIOUS! The jokes made me laugh throughout the movie. I think its a good one when you need a serious laugh. Adam Sandler movies are always ones you can count on.
~Beauty and the Briefcase- I was up late one night and chose this on a whim. Its such a "Natalie" movie. Not one that I would watch with just anyone thats why I was glad I saw this one by myself. It was entertaining.
~Easy A- Eh. It was alright. Had funny parts... Not my fav.
~Social Network- I really liked it :) I think its because I love Facebook and seeing how it came about was really interesting to me. Plus I watched it with Jessa. It was good to have a girls night.
Overall, I had a great movie watching weekend and the weekend isn't even over yet.
Its Stake Conference so It was good hearing from leaders and tomorrow should be even better.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
This morning I woke up at 5:30. Normally I would not be up this early, but today was different. We had temple baptisms at 6. I was actually really excited to go because I had not gone since last year sometime. I felt really good after and now I have so much time left to get some extra homework done. It is such a beautiful place to go and feel at peace. I was also able to take some time and actually think for myself without any distractions. I love this place!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
What am I thinking???

~Yesterday I set a goal with my friend Alysa. Every monday we will be walking the indoor track at school after FHE for about an hour. I am really excited for this because its good to catch up with her and her life and get a little exercise in. This monday was good because we went and walked and were able to have fun at the same time :) Its awesome that our school built it above the courts so I can people watch at the same time. I just love how BYU-Idaho gets more amazing everyday.
~I have come to the realization that I also love Pandora radio with Carrie Underwood. I think Rexburg does something to me to allow me to love country music more. I don't think I have listened to so much country music in my whole life. Its just very chill when I am getting work done or cleaning.
~Today has been a pretty productive day. I was able to organize my work into a binder and finish some assignments that I have been procrastinating. I went to my Spanish class and it surprisingly went by quickly. I also went to Devotional with some of my friends. After Devo, I did more homework, then had some dessert before dinner. I may be sick because of it, but it was worth it. I had been promising Glenna we would go so I fulfilled that promise and we will be partying it up more since we have only hung out like twice this whole semester. Oh and did you know Coldstone has churros? They were a little bit too sugary, but I didn't have high expectations since we are in Rexburg. I enjoyed my churro's with ice cream. Delish. When I got home Jessica had some BOMB soup cooking!! mmm.... Thanks Jess!!! Well time for more homework and some Pandora. I should probably work out after all of this comida. haha. We will see...
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Celine Dion - A New Day Has Come
How I have missed Celine :) She was on the oscars tonight so I think she deserves a spot on my blog.
A new day....
Today was such a good day at church. It was just good to feel the spirit and listen to some good lessons. I love the testimonies given this sunday even more because they were focused on my bishopric who I adore. I have been with them for 2 1/2 years. I will really miss them when they get released next month. Bishop Shumway told me change was good so I guess I have nothing to fear. I will truly miss these men. I have grown so much since I first came to school here and I do owe a lot of that to the ward I have been in and the people that I decided to surround myself with. I mean look how different I look!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
life on Sat the 26th of Feb. 2011
So today was uh well lets just say interesting... I woke up around 10. I normally can't sleep past 9. I have been having crazy sleep patterns lately. I go to bed at 2 some nights. Crazy, crazy. I guess thats the college life. I think I need to get back on my regular schedule. We will see...
Anyways... Today I needed to get some homework done so I did. I needed to do a few other things that I didn't do. Its all good though. I wanted to get away today, so after spending the morning watching a lifetime show about two murders, I spent the afternoon in Idaho Falls with my roomie Shalyce. We went to Olive Garden and then shopped like crazy for a few hours. It was entertaining. She got some really cute purchases and I left with nothing because i'm poor. :( Its okay though maybe next month.
It was a really fun day because after that I came home laughed a lot because I like laughing and watched 30Rock with my roomies and Drew for an unknown amount of time. It was hilarious. Other stuff happened that is not worth mentioning. It was a good day. :)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Deep thoughts
Not knowing what to say
I fill my heart with faith.
I know if I keep trying
The words will always reach my mind
In an exalting way.
The influences near,
Come and appear
Letting us know what is the remedy to mend our souls.
Reconstructing what is important
For all to recognize.
Influences even far away
Have the power
To make us feel a certain way.
Letting our family and friends be that drive.
To compel us to do
What leads our lives.
It leads us to an essential place.
Leaving that void giving us the inspiration
we have been looking for.
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